Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne food allergies and prevention of acne food

Creams and acne blemish treatments can be used to reduce the appearance of acne scars. When choosing an acne scar treatment, you need to consider the severity of your acne scars, the type of acne scars you have and the type of skin you have. Mild scars can often be successfully treated with bleaching creams that are bought over the counter.
The natural acidity found in lemons, limes, and even oranges can also be beneficial, since it can actually kill the bacteria that are causing the acne. Squeeze a fresh piece and apply over the affected area, and the pimple should fade away in only a few days. The juice can also help to balance the PH in your skin, which will make it appear even and healthy when used on a regular basis.
In any case, what is important in the selection process is knowing the type of your skin. There are several herbal treatments that can be too harsh on sensitive skin. And this is something you should avoid when you have sensitive skin. You would not want to use any product that can worsen your skin condition altogether now, would you? Be very careful and very wary when choosing your herbal treatment then.
tags: best acne treatment in 5 days, natural remedies for acne, best treatment for adult hormonal acne

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